Designed by Elisa Ossino
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sketch Elisa Ossino
sketch Elisa Ossino
Elisa Ossino / エリーザ・オッシノ
イタリア・シチリア出身、ミラノ工科大学卒業。2006年、Elisa Ossino Studioを設立し、住宅や店舗のインテリア、プロダクトデザイン、アートディレクション、セットデザインを手掛ける。
彼女の作品は、イタリア国内外で発表され、有名なギャラリーなどで展示されている。2016年には、第9回トリエンナーレ・デザインミュージアムの「W-Women in Italian Design」にて、彼女のデザインプロジェクトの一部が展示された。また、EDIDA 2020 ( エル・デコ・インターナショナル・アワード) で 「Balnea」 (サルヴァトーリ) がベスト・バスルーム賞を受賞するなど、国内外で賞を受賞し、2019年からはADによる「Top 100 Interior Designers of the year」に毎年選ばれている。
スタジオ活動の傍ら、 2004年に他のパートナーと共にキッズデザインブランド 「Nume」 を立ち上げ、家具コレクションをデザイン。2010年には社会問題を主なテーマのひとつとし、デザインと芸術表現を結びつけるプロジェクト、「Officina Temporanea」を立ち上げた。2019年には、インテリアと現代のライフスタイルのための新しい言語を探求するサーフェスデザイン、展示、学際的なインスタレーションに特化したブランド、「H+O」を共同設立し、ミラノの歴史的なブレラ地区にあるアパートメントギャラリーを発足させた。
2016年からはヴェネチア建築大学 (IUAV) の修士課程「インテリアデザインのためのインタラクティブメディア」で、2021年からはイスティトゥート・マランゴーニの修士課程「プロダクトデザイン」で教鞭を執る。近年は、ビジュアルアートやマルチメディアの言語的な可能性に新たな関心を寄せている。
Designed by Elisa Ossino
Together with designer Elisa Ossino, Ambientec experiments for the first time with color, giving a warm, emotional, and at the same time minimalist touch to a contemporary lantern. The luminous body of "madco" is a sphere resting on a visually slender and 360° rotatable structure to create always different light configurations. The lower cover that encloses the technological components and the driver, is available in a choice of five shades: OLIVA(olive), PESCA(peach), CACAO(cacao), MOSTARDA(mustard), and CILIEGIA(cherry). Easily rechargeable thanks to the USB type-C charger and with a high waterproof rating (IP66), madco is a versatile and transportable object. The invitation to touch and rotate it is irresistible, bringing it to the terrace, living room, bedroom, or bathroom. An object that gives a touch of lightness and playful elegance to any environment, perfect also for scenarios from the outdoor area of a restaurant to the lounge of a hotel.
Sketch Elisa Ossino
sketch Elisa Ossino
Elisa Ossino
Architect / Designer
Elisa Ossino is an architect and designer. Sicilian, she trained in Milan, where she studied at Politecnico di Milano. In 2006, she founded Elisa Ossino Studio, focusing on residential and retail interiors, product design, art direction
and set design. Her work combines geometric abstraction, monochromes, metaphysical and surrealist references, creating a coherent and allusive relationship between light, objects and space, identified by the strong feature of
her sign. To inspire Elisa’s compositional style is a figure of scenic suspension, recurring in the weightless design of each intervention. Essential lines and geometries are the distinctive features of her designs, giving to the space
they are located in a deep scenographic feeling.
Her works have been published in Italy and abroad and exhibited in prestigious locations and galleries. In 2016, some of her design projects were exhibited at “W-Women in Italian Design” for the 9th edition of the Triennale Design Museum. Over the years she has received several national and international awards including the EDIDA 2020 - Elle Deco International Awards - with Balnea designed for Salvatori winning ‘Best bathroom’; since 2019 she was included among the ‘Top 100 Interior Designers of the year’ by AD.
Next to her Studio activity, Elisa Ossino pursues a research that brought her to create together with other partners, in 2004, a kids design brand, Nume, for which she designed the furniture collection. In 2010, she set up with others Officina Temporanea, a project that connects design and artistic expression, identifying social issues as one of the main areas of interest. In 2019 she co-founded H+O, a brand dedicated to surface design, exhibitions and multidisciplinary installations that explore new languages for interiors and contemporary lifestyles. The same year she inaugurated the apartment gallery located in the historic Brera district of Milan. Since 2016 she has been teaching at the IUAV University of Venice in the Master “Interactive Media for Interior
Design” and from 2021 at Istituto Marangoni in the Master of Product Design. Among the directions that she has recently impressed on her work lies a renovated interest for visual arts and multimedias’ potential linguistics.
Movie - Designer's Interview